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Then, I’ve received lots of emails regarding Meryl’s eco-friendly dress, so here’s some more information: Meryl channelled the Oscars in more ways than one, sporting a gold Lanvin dress that resembled the statuette she ended up taking home. Streep took inspiration from Colin Firth’s wife Livia by wearing Lanvin’s first-ever eco-friendly gown for the 84th Academy Awards. It was created from Eco Certified Fabric, which was sourced with the help of the Green Carpet Challenge (GCC) – an initiative set up by Livia. More information on the eco-friendly dresses can be found at Miss Firth’s blog and at Eco Age. And finally, no Oscar update would be complete without a transcript of Meryl’s speech:
Oh my God. Oh come on. All right. Thank you so much, thank you thank you! When they called my name I had this feeling I could hear half of America going, “oh, no! Oh, come on why – her! Again!” But, whatever (laughter). First, I’m gonna thank Don, because when you thank your husband at the end of the speech they play him out with the music and I want him to know that everything I value most in our lives you’ve given me (applause). And, now, secondly, my other partner. Thirty-seven years ago, my first play in New York City, I met the great hairstylist and makeup artist Roy Helland. And we worked together pretty continuously since the day we clapped eyes on each other. His first film with me was “Sophie’s Choice” and all the way up to tonight when he won for his beautiful work in “The Iron Lady” thirty years later (applause). Every single movie in between. I just wanna thank Roy but also I wanna thank – because I really understand I’ll never be up here again (laughter) – I really wanna thank all my colleagues. All my friends. And I look out here, and I see my life before my eyes. My old friends, my new friends. And really, this is such a great honor, but the thing that counts the most with me is the friendships and the love and the sheer joy we have shared making movies together. My friends, thank you, all of you – departed and here – for this inexplicably wonderful career. Thank you so much. Thank you.